Monday, March 1, 2021

Body Switchers by mbrad


While Body Switchers' style will be disappointing for those who look TF for the psychological drama attached to it, people who like the physical part of the swaps would have enjoyed these frenzies where characters focus all the time in the bodies each time they enter to.

In this story, John and Kiyoshi are given the power to switch bodies by will, which they do start with their two best friends, afterward, they start swapping with the bodies of every person they see at school for one reason or another, swapping Brad and Zoey to give Brad a lesson, swap with Tori and Vanessa to give them a lesson, swap Sayaka with Cornelia to give her a lesson, swap Mina with Eric for an experiment, or swap with Kiyoshi and John's mom out of pure lust and curiosity.

Aside from the loose notion characters have from their canon personalities, all of them are left to their barebones acting mostly by the gender stereotype they are part on, characters usually have the same cadence and overall they all point out the basic gender roles every time they get swapped, boys are stronger, bigger, girls are more attractive and weak, this could have gotten repetitive for some but the people who do not want to look too deep into the logic of the situation to get a quickie done would have enjoyed it without issues, and in the way the scenario is written, they could have gotten a quickie one after the other.

The swaps come and go rapidly, showing a similar approach to scenarios like John's Sudden Lifechange but with relatively better results and a relatively more logical plotline, the logic doesn't work the same as in real life, but it is comparable to TV sitcom logic.

What we start to see here is a certain division on the Student Transfer audience, people who are into TF for the psychological, nonsexual aspects of it, and people who like the sexual and physical aspects of it; in that sense, Body Switchers pointed to the latter group a lot more, logic is a secondary aspect of the plot since the characters are there only to acknowledge the body differences they perceive with each swap, overall, the scenario didn't look to take itself too seriously, and what has proposed it was fun if you were part of the demographic is targeted. 

This scenario would have been recommended, but because John and Kiyoshi are tagged as underage people at the end of one of the routes, and as well the existence of one Natsumi scene, this scenario had to be removed for violating TFGS rules due to depicting kids in sexual situations. People who want to read something of this same style can still check its reboot available with the name of The Gift of Switching for Student Transfer v4.

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